Demand Gen Marketing: What's Changed and What's Working

Learn about the strategies, promotional assets and trends that are proving most effective
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Since the pandemic upended our lives in 2020, a rapid shift has occurred in demand generation marketing, with increased reliance on digital channels, thought leadership and online presence.  As social distancing became the new normal and in-person interactions were restricted, companies quickly shifted their focus to digital channels to reach and engage their target audience. Arizent saw a 26% increase in webinar volume across all branded channels. Virtual events, webinars, online content, and email marketing became essential tools for generating demand and maintaining customer connections.

With American employees working remotely more than ever before, Arizent has seen an uptick in web seminar registrations and asset promotion downloads.  The first half of this year, our most popular seminars were focused on 2023's top trends and newest solutions. Since our content is educational, it helps business leaders who are focused on keeping pace with — or staying ahead of — top trends and innovations that can give them a competitive edge.  Our most popular web seminar beat our benchmarks by 85% on the topic of Banking Trends 2023.

Content remains the most important factor of any successful demand generation program. For our asset promotion programs, the content that resonates with our clients the most across our many verticals is thought leadership pieces on the newest technologies.  This includes white papers, ebooks and infographics on digital transformation and customer experiences.  Content that helps our readership stay on top of the industry curve will typically bring in the most downloads.  

Written by Melissa Reeves, Director, Demand Generation, Arizent.

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